I have, like many of you aspiring animators and artists out there, watched many videos about breaking into the industry and to many talks. What I have taken away from it is a handful of universal...um..patterns? Patterns in advice, I guess would be better way to phrase it.
1 - There is no ONE way to break into the industry. Everyone has their own unique story, and that's what awesome about everyone IN the industry. They all have a very cool story that isn't remotely similar to anyone else in the industry. So don't ask HOW do I break in, cause everyone will tell you something different. Every studio is looking for something different. Hang in there, network like crazy and do your own thing and you will find a way in.
2 - I just mentioned it - Network like crazy. It's tough for us online students. But being an online student you should already BE networking since you are.....always online. And another thing, this gives you a unique start to your story. USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.
3 - Be kind, be courageous, be you. Make that leap everyone is afraid to make, be nice because you never know who will hire you, and be you because they don't need or want an artist that can do exactly what an artist in their studio ALREADY does. Have your own style, your own...THING. Replication is good for practice and awesome to show to friends, but it won't find you a job.
4 - Only post your best work on your reel/portfolios. Yeah. That. Re-read if you don't get it.
5 - The only way you get better....is to do. You WILL create ALOT of bad drawings, you will create a lot of bad animations. The only way to make good stuff, is to get the bad out of the way. They will come, they will happen, you will learn. And every time you draw, your next one is already better. Everytime you animate your skills are already getting better. It's a game of quantity. Catch-22 because recruitment is a game of quality. But for us new to the industry, those in school or finishing school its about quantity; Quantity will improve our quality. HANG in there. Keep moving forward. There is no shortcut to getting better. What often looks good in taking a shortcut will often backfire or lead you to a dead-end where taking the original long way around would have solved on its own. The Long Shortcut as someone once told me, is the better path. It's the only path if you want to grow. You need to fail, you need to make those mistakes!
In my experience this is so true. A many times I have started over animations in the middle of the night with only a day or two to get it done! I should have just stayed with my initial ideas/plan to begin with. In the end, the long way around is the faster and better path. The Long Shortcuts in life teaches the best lessons. They teach the most vital lessons.
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