Saturday, October 12, 2013

Finding Inspiration: Part 4 of People & Nature

AND finally... We get to nature.

Humans are just too complicated and intriguing to get into 1 or 2 parts, thus the delay. We'll come back to that another time, but finally it's time to give notice to something that matters.


Nature is a massive topic and there are so many things I could cover but will not get into  otherwise this post will never end. I'm just going to wallow in the shallow end of this pool, I'll let you do the rest on your own. 

[For non-artists:] In art school you are CONSTANTLY told to go do live drawings. Go out into coffee shops and parks - go paint or draw the people and the trees and animals using live references. Do not solely reference photos. Photos are great when you take a moment and see the anatomy of an animal or plant, understand the shapes and textures associated, understand the human form and yada yada yada. But a live drawing - that is when you capture THE moment. 

You capture an action...

A gesture...

An emotion. 

(And yes I understand the irony of me using photos to reference these moments to you, but think of what you're missing out on seeing in person)
No live drawing will be like another, it's also true for a classroom drawing the same model; they all have a different perspectives of the figure and will interpret it so.

Now, let's go off on a tangent but I promise I'll bring you right back...

I live in a concrete jungle. Southern California has nothing but buildings and freeways and metal chaos for dozens and dozens and dozens of miles any which way you go. It can really desensitize you. I'm completely over it. People assume there is a fantasy world in LA and Orange County that just is not true. Yeah there's Disneyland and Beaches and some celebrities here and there but it is definitely not worth what you are missing. Most of the appeals here is a fad. You grow up and grow out of it. Now what I truly miss is nature (fresh air included).

I never cared about anything mother nature-y growing up, but what kid does. You don't realize the amazing things happening around you til you don't have it anymore. That - coupled with the fact that my grades now depended on me going outside in the world and draw what I saw, it truly does open your eyes.

This is the part where I bring you back...

If you are struggling to find inspiration in doing your art or workouts or chores or whatever - just take a moment and go outside. First of all vitamin D is good for you. But secondly we are so used to being fed garbage all day it's refreshing to step outside and get something real. Turn off your Televisions, your reality shows, your music, your video games, your computer and netflix, even your air conditioner - and just enjoy nature. I think most environmental concept artists will agree.

We are animals. We have a connection to this world like every other living being and we do not enjoy it enough. We do not take advantage* of it enough. Observe the world. Look at the sky, look at the cloud formations that will never be the same as it is in this moment, look at the stars, see the vivid colors in the plants around you, see the amazing formations of all the rocks, the artwork that water carves into the sand, look for something amazing. You won't have to look or go far, but  I promise you'll find it.

Nature is a powerful beast. It can annihilate a forest or level a city at any moment. It could be powerful in a  forceful way, or it be powerful in an enlightening way. Star gazing can make you humble and make your realize what a fragile planet we live on. Watching tiny insects build vast networks in trees can make you realize how intuitive the rest of the world is. Seeing life come into this world can make you realize how beautiful all life is. And if you have ever experienced the death of a loved one, nature makes you realize how short of a time you have to enjoy all of that.

Nature is an endless source of inspiration. All it takes is walking outside. Maybe a hike, maybe a short car ride depending on where you are..but its there. And its FREE.

I said I'd wade in the shallow end of the pool but let me take this one step and say - be adventurous. Go travel the world. See the many different things. I don't JUST mean see other cultures and cities and villages, but see what else nature has on the other side of the world. See how different it is everywhere! No two places are identical. Just go get lost and the majesty of nature will give you the inspiration you need to find yourself.... or that answer that you've been looking for - whichever it is you are chasing.

If you have instagram follow: Wonderful_places 
They have incredible photos of nature from around the world.

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