Monday, September 2, 2013

The Photoshop Files: Still Life - Part 1

Ah...carpel-tunnel. Thou art a heartless bitch.

But the temporary pain is worth it when you can start seeing a piece come together. Usually for me, if I can get ONE section of any painting to its final-esque stage, I can usually see where my end result is going and that is where I've finally arrived. A long way to go, but heres a preview!

Nothing fancy here, blocking out stages of the painting...

Very quick and rough painting on where I'm going.

I cannot work without lines. Even thought they won't be int he final product, I feel my colors bleed over to the next item and I lose my sense of I add fine lines.

Lemons!! This is the stage in which I push one item/element of the painting as far as possible and now I will generally start jumping around the painting updating things until they are all on par, and then do the details. 

Lemons with the basket work in progress on top.

More to come!

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