Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Traditional Animation 3 - Week 1-3 : Sports Reaction

Hi Guys!

Okay, I have had little time to upload the drawings I've been doing - primarily because between work, school, a video project and a video game project for USC (thanks again TEAM COLE)  I've had to sadly slow the blog down a bit. Worry not, the drawings are here so in a couple days or so expect a massive drop in drawings.

Things will be turning around this semester, I've definitely fallen back in love with animation and drawing - I'm determined to return to my previous skill level and go beyond. I've been finding alot of inspiration (HINT: Check out my posts about finding inspiration with people and podcasts) so it's time to break this plateau and move to the next level.

Meanwhile - just create your art as best as you can ONE DAY at a time.
Heres a piece I've worked on for school for the past couple weeks. The next one is just as exciting.

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