Friday, December 20, 2013

Effects Animation - Working on the Final


First off, so sorry I disappeared for so long, but between Thanksgiving, Finals, and now Christmas Break I have had little sleep and a lot of time away from the normal things. So get ready.. I am back.

As I fall back into life of sketching, painting, video games, work and tv shows I need to catch up on I will be showing you guys my upcoming animation and art I'm working on.

Here is the final of the effects animation I was working on the last couple weeks. Sadly with the little time I had to dedicate to it, I'm happy with how far I got it. Regardless that school is over for now, I plan to keep adding to this piece (not too much as I should move on to bigger and better animations from here), I want to be fully satisfied with it when I stop updating it.

Hope you all like!

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