Friday, May 2, 2014

Traditional Animation 3 Final: Work in Progress

Hey All,

The words that would make any art major scream bloody murder in the middle of the night: FINALS!
For those of you not in the art world finals usually consistent not of cramming for a final exam, but usually a 4-8 week project. And this project will likely carry upwards of half of our semesters grade. Thats a lot of caffeine and cortisol.

Well my traditional animation piece I am working on is from an old Abbott and Costello bit - the infamous Mustard and Hot Dog debate. I started it out 3 weeks ago designing the characters I would use, thumbnailing, making xsheets and then filming myself for reference.

Right now I'm in the middle of crunching out the hundreds and hundreds of inbetweens and I have but 7 days left to polish and turn it in. I'm feeling pretty great about this project.

Not wanting to give too much away for my big End-of-the-Semester Post, here's the animatic on my piece WARNING: Its pretty crude.

Back to drawing...See you all soon.

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