Saturday, February 1, 2014

30 Day Challenge

Between working full-time and trying to keep up in school, finding time to do something you enjoy is hard.

But if you want something bad enough - you should be making time for it. I'm so freaking bad at that.

I've sketch so rarely lately and in fact I haven't done a charcoal drawing in over 7 months - primarily cause I've been doing so many digital doodles.

So how does one make it a habit to draw/sketch daily? Well - force yourself into the public eye then they'll ostracize me for not keeping to my word! Right? That works for me.

Well eff it. I'm going to try.

This 30 Day Challenge is to sketch and draw everyday. The topic could be anything but for the sake of consistency I will make this a figure drawing challenge. For the next 30 days I will fill out as many pages in the sketch book as I can.

Sketch books aren't exactly for public display so I'll try to do one piece daily that is an actual effort for posting my progress.

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